get involved
Advantages of being part of the AMBER project:
- Provide you with specific recommendations to help you reduce the energy consumption, which can lead to a reduction in operational and maintenance costs in your building.
- Provide you with substantial information which will improve the current design of A – rated buildings.
- Provide bespoke advice to better understand how best to improve indoor air and environmental quality
- Improved thermal comfort which can lead to an increase in productivity among occupants
- An opportunity to be part of a unique project that could eventually help thousands of Irish people operate their buildings more efficiently. This project is the first of its kind in Ireland as there is limited post-occupancy research into A-Rated buildings.
All Irish commercial projects containing A-rated buildings are eligible to be part of this study. All publicly available research gathered during the study will be shared with all stakeholders and should your building be selected to be part of the study, we will share confidential information with you and any associated partners/clients on the findings, under NDA. IES and TCD have also offered to provide access to the data should you so require it, also under NDA and subject to GDPR guidelines.
If this is of interest please fill the survey below.
This project has received funding from the Research, Development and Demonstration Fund from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI)
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